Monday, June 16, 2014

A Stroll in the Park

The weather was just about perfect. I have been teaching the Hubby some of the SMALL amount of knowledge I have on photography...and I've gotta say....he's doing pretty good! I'm proud of him. 

We are currently sorta a lil hunting. We were driving around a neighborhood that we both really like and we discovered this little park, what seemed to be tucked away from the rest of the world. We took a walk, looked around and felt enchanted. Later, when we wanted to take some pictures, we remembered this little fairy tale of a park and got lost....

~ Because of Jesus

Abby Lyn

Saturday, June 14, 2014

~ It's June ~

"Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic"
~ Rosalind Russell ~

Just a little sneak peak from a photoshoot with the Hubby. 
He does a good job. 

Because of  Jesus
~Abby Lyn